Life can be fast-paced at times — especially if you’re a thrill-seeker who
enjoys sports. While we promote the mentality that you should live life to its
fullest, part of doing so is taking the time to pause and appreciate your
surroundings. It’s essential to take the time to reflect on how our planet
provides fantastic opportunities that we wouldn’t otherwise have. We wouldn’t
be able to enjoy shredding the slopes, surfing in the ocean, or any other
outdoor adventures if we didn’t have the natural resources that our planet
graciously provides.
Our planet will suffer if we don’t collectively decide to make conscious and
purposeful decisions to deter climate change. We want to protect the Earth
from the point of no return — which U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres
says is “in sight and hurtling towards us.”
Our passion for protecting the planet is fueled by the scientific evidence that
supports the idea that climate change is drastically affecting our planet’s
health. Climate change affects many aspects of our lives that we may typically
take for granted.
If we don’t take action to prevent our planet from passing the point of no return,
species of animals worldwide will go extinct because their climate will no
longer be suitable for them. A new study found that polar bears could become
extinct by as early as 2100 due to global warming rapidly melting the ice in the
Arctic Circle. According to the World Meteorological Organization, the Arctic
has warmed approximately twice as much as pre-industrial temperatures.
Global warming contributes to warming our winters — which is harmful to our
planet in various ways. If we don’t take action now, our beloved winter sports
may not be around for future generations to enjoy. The impact of warmer
winters is unsurprisingly more significant than not enjoying skiing or
snowboarding — because it has already started to impact various parts of our
ecosystem negatively.
My Wicked Dude has a mission and vision to support The Climate Pledge by
creating eco-friendly products every step of the way, so we can collectively curb
waste and create a sustainable enterprise both economically and
Upon taking the pledge, organizations must agree to a few terms that will
propel the planet towards a better future. Organizations must measure and
report greenhouse gas emissions regularly, implement decarbonization
strategies in line with the Paris Agreement through real business changes and
innovations, and neutralize any remaining emissions to achieve net-zero
annual carbon emissions by 2040.
We want future generations to enjoy all of the little things that we may take for
granted. If you enjoy outdoor activities (or even just the fresh air you breathe),
we recommend that you take actionable steps to minimize your carbon
footprint. Let’s live our lives to their fullest without compromising the health
of our planet. We’re all in this together!